This page will be the permanent home of the audio versions of Barry Anderson, which will likely be released even more slowly than the chapters. But it’s exciting for me to hear the characters come to life, as best as my vocal chords can muster. And my audio quality and voicework seems to be improving with every recording session, so hopefully each chapter will just be better (and faster 🤞). But you’re listening to a whole lot of embarrassed love poured in here.
Oh, and about the cover picture, the word cloud is made up entirely of names/titles/descriptions that Barry gets called over the course of not only the story when he’s a teenager, but as a young adult and a grown up, entirely from prose that’s written to this point. So sorry, if you look closely you’re bound to get some degree of spoilers, but everything is out of context so hopefully that’s okay. It makes for a fun little word search though. (And yes, there are some duplicates, of the less special ones.)
Feel free to either listen to the embedded version, or click to download (you can right-click + save link as, or open the link in a tab, and click the “…” and select download).
1 – Birthday Posted 6-27-21
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